Manhattan and Q-Q plots

Figures: Manhattan and Q-Q plots

100 seed weight (100SW, g)

100 seed weight, (Amlaha, 2014-15)100 seed weight, (Amlaha, 2014-15)100 seed weight, (Amlaha, 2015-16)100 seed weight, (Amlaha, 2015-16)100 seed weight, (Patancheru, 2014-15)100 seed weight, (Patancheru, 2014-15)
100 seed weight, (Patancheru, 2015-16)100 seed weight, (Patancheru, 2015-16)100 seed weight, (Kanpur, 2015-16)100 seed weight, (Kanpur, 2015-16)100 seed weight, (Junagadh, 2014-15)100 seed weight, (Junagadh, 2014-15)
100 seed weight, (Junagadh, 2015-16)100 seed weight, (Junagadh, 2015-16)100 seed weight, (Sehore, 2014-15)100 seed weight, (Sehore, 2014-15)

Days to maturity (DM, days)

Days to maturity, (Amlaha, 2015-16)Days to maturity, (Amlaha, 2015-16)Days to maturity, (Patancheru, 2014-15)Days to maturity, (Patancheru, 2014-15)Days to maturity, (Patancheru, 2015-16)Days to maturity, (Patancheru, 2015-16)
Days to maturity, (Junagadh, 2014-15)Days to maturity, (Junagadh, 2014-15)Days to maturity, (Sehore, 2014-15)Days to maturity, (Sehore, 2014-15)

Flowering duration (days)

Flowering duration, (Patancheru, 2015-16)Flowering duration, (Patancheru, 2015-16)

Plant height (PLHT, cm)

Plant height, (Patancheru, 2014-15)Plant height, (Patancheru, 2014-15)Plant height, (Patancheru, 2015-16)Plant height, (Patancheru, 2015-16)Plant height, (Sehore, 2014-15)Plant height, (Sehore, 2014-15)

Plant width (PLWD, cm)

Plant width, (Patancheru, 2015-16)Plant width, (Patancheru, 2015-16)

Plot yield (PY, g)

Plot yield, (Amlaha, 2014-15)Plot yield, (Amlaha, 2014-15)Plot yield, (Kanpur, 2015-16)Plot yield, (Kanpur, 2015-16)Plot yield, (Junagadh, 2015-16)Plot yield, (Junagadh, 2015-16)
Plot yield, (Sehore, 2014-15)Plot yield, (Sehore, 2014-15)

Plant stand (PLST)

Plant stand, (Junagadh, 2014-15)Plant stand, (Junagadh, 2014-15)Plant stand, (Sehore, 2014-15)Plant stand, (Sehore, 2014-15)

Pods per plant (PPP)

Pods per plant, (Patancheru, 2015-16)Pods per plant, (Patancheru, 2015-16)Pods per plant, (Kanpur, 2015-16)Pods per plant, (Kanpur, 2015-16)

Seeds per pod (SPP)

Seeds per pod, (Patancheru, 2015-16)Seeds per pod, (Patancheru, 2015-16)

Yield (YLD, Kg/ha)

Yield, (Patancheru, 2014-15)Yield, (Patancheru, 2014-15)

Yield per plant (YPP, g)

Yield per plant, (Amlaha, 2015-16)Yield per plant, (Amlaha, 2015-16)Yield per plant, (Junagadh, 2015-16)Yield per plant, (Junagadh, 2015-16)Yield per plant, (Sehore, 2014-15)Yield per plant, (Sehore, 2014-15)