
A one stop shop of genomic resources for legumes


Gene id Species Pseudomolecule Start End Seq description KEGG Select
Ca_v2.0_02179 C. arietinum Ca1_v2.0 47548143 47548838 PREDICTED: histone H2B-like [Cicer arietinum] cam:101496580
Ca_v2.0_02183 C. arietinum Ca1_v2.0 47585687 47586343 PREDICTED: histone H2B, gonadal [Cicer arietinum] cam:101499426
Ca_v2.0_07611 C. arietinum Ca3_v2.0 70038353 70038772 PREDICTED: probable histone H2B.3 [Cicer arietinum] cam:105851110
Ca_v2.0_08440 C. arietinum Ca4_v2.0 391970 392389 PREDICTED: probable histone H2B.3 [Gossypium raimondii] aip:107614127
Ca_v2.0_19080 C. arietinum Ca6_v2.0 66934105 66935045 PREDICTED: probable histone H2B.1 [Cicer arietinum] cam:101506117
Ca_v2.0_19081 C. arietinum Ca6_v2.0 66948888 66949730 PREDICTED: probable histone H2B.1 [Cicer arietinum] cam:101506117
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